E’ aperta la nona edizione del concorso Summer School for Students, aperto a tutti gli studenti di tutte le Università del perimetro UniCredit.
Con questa nona edizione si offrono 5 borse per Summer School Program in economia/finanza da svolgersi durante il periodo giugno - agosto 2023 presso tre tra le più prestigione università europee: London School of Economics (2 borse), Barcelona School of Economics (2 borse) e University College of London (1 borse).
Scadenza per l’invio delle candidature: 31 marzo 2023
UniCredit Foundation is a non-profit corporate foundation, as further testimony of the Group’s engagement in the promotion of a well-structured set of principles which are the basis of its corporate identity. UniCredit Foundation is entirely financed by the Group and it is an independent legal entity with a Board of Directors.
UniCredit Foundation pursues social and humanitarian goals in the fields of assistance and healthcare, the environment, and training, education and teaching, and supports the best talents in the fields of economics and finance by launching scholarships, research grants and research awards with a special focus on the countries in which UniCredit Group operates.
for more info https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/en/unicreditfoundation.html
In order to apply for the UniCredit Foundation’s calls, the candidate must complete the online application form, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process.
Remind: the form is the same for every competition, therefore you should complete only the fields required by the related announcement.